Tears flow the same.

If our privilege keeps us safe and warm, then let’s stand for those who are in fear, and cold. We all must stand for justice, freedom and humanity. No matter your religion, no matter your race. The core values of what it means to be a human are the same. We need safety for our loved ones to lay their heads. We must stand for life, and not for death. We must prioritize truth in a fake world. A world saturated in information but starving for truth. A culture war has immersed from …do we return to old fashioned Christian values in order to preserve traditional values, or do we accept the woke movement as revolutionary and relevant? Are there only two scopes of viewing the world? Traditional or woke? We have again delved into duality leaving us victim to political divide and conquer methods; surely, we are beyond that. Surely, we can accept as the human race on the basic principles and values that make us human.

We can recognize political jargon, brainwashing or propaganda without being paranoid. We can absorb ourselves in the literature, and not engage in deep fake, AI structured misinformation algorithms. We do quickly have to learn what is real and fake as ignorance will lead us to a fate without freedom. Not just the intellectuals, the activists; we all must know as much as we can. For justice is all of ours. And our society tomorrow is our duty, history watches on. We are a condition of our environment. Everything we have ever said or done, is not a only a product of thyself, but of society. We may think we are acting from true authenticity; mostly, we are not. We are now being challenged to step outside our own bias, from imaginary lines and colours to question; what really exists? Not a flag, not money, an agreement, an afterlife, not here anyway.

The people. It’s only the people that exist.

So how can we best serve the people of this world today? Understanding in our hearts, what is true and righteous to us? I know what is in my heart, and as it breaks, witnessing images of war, I know’ that agenda politics or propaganda, will never change that. Children should not be harmed. Children should not be kept captive. We must unequivocally condemn brutal acts of violence against children. Is that not our number one value of the human, to protect children?

We cannot look away,

Children are always innocent, religion is never a reason, nor oppression, nor defense. Protection and duty never reason to harm children. Humanity has failed when we kill children. That is what is in my heart. We have failed our species. Our earth, mother nature, ourselves.

I see both sides and all I see is pain.

The feeling of grief, suffering, pain and sorrow is the same. The feeling of love, hope, our dreams are the same. Birth is the same, and death is the same. Our tears flow the same, we are the same, all of these people, they are ours.

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